“What’s the big deal about eating my fruits, veggies and greens? I hate having to do so and you can’t make me!” I hear this all the time; especially, from the biggest babies of all – ADULTS! Since every fruit, vegetable, green – and let’s not forget ancient grains – has its own nutritional importance, let’s take a look shall we at exactly what you are missing when you do not include this precious food we call Alfalfa leaves into your diet.
As one of our 47 ingredients in 37 Superfoods+, we want to take you on a quick tour of how this amazing green impacts your health. WARNING: Be prepared to be blown away with its nutritional richness and why we believe it can help take back your health!
Vitamin & Mineral Source: Forgot to take them today? No problem. The word Alfalfa is Arabic and means the “King/Father of all Foods.” Why? Unlike few other plants, Alfalfa’s extensive root system can reach as far down as 60 feet enabling this amazing plant to tap into the richness of the earth that lies well below the surface.
Vitamins: A, D, E, K and the full range of B vitamins.
Protein: Yes
Minerals: biotin, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium among many others.
Re-calibration of the Body
So how does it perform in re-calibrating the body to run at its optimal level? Check it out:
Essential digestive enzymes: Enzymes help to break down foods so that they may be assimilated in the body. The digestive enzymes (lipase, amylase, protase, coagilase, emulsion, invertase, peroxidase, pectinase, and cellulase) in alfalfa help in the digestion of protein, fat, and starch.
Nature’s anti-inflammatory: The enzymes and smorgasbord of minerals and vitamins present in alfalfa can help reduce inflammation anywhere in the body. Researches show that inflammation can lead to host of (fatal) diseases.
Pain relief: Many suffering with rheumatoid arthritis, gout and other inflammatory diseases have experienced relief because alfalfa aids in regulation of the acid/alkaline balance in the body. It helps dissolve uric acid so it passes through the kidneys. Excessive uric acid in joints causes inflammation and pain. It contains an “anti-stiffness factor” which relieves stiff joints.
Kidney & bladder benefits: Alfalfa increases one’s alkaline reserves. It is especially beneficial to the kidney & bladder because it makes the urine less acidic, therefore less irritating to the urinary tract. The average vegetable is from 1 to 10 units alkaline…alfalfa is 130 units alkaline. It increases the kidneys’ filtration rate.
Aids in peptic ulcers: Alfalfa is rich in vitamin U which has been shown to help support the effective cure of peptic ulcers.
Great diuretic and bowel regulator: The high mineral content helps maintain the delicate water balance in the body.
An effective barrier against bacterial invasion: The chlorophyll in alfalfa develops an effective barrier against bacterial invasion by its stimulation effect on the growth of connective tissue and granulation tissue.
Blood purifier/toxin relief: Chlorophyll is known as a body cleanser, infection fighter, and nature’s deodorizer. Many report reduced odors from the body, breath and feet.
Improve skin & mucosal health (including blemishes): Alfalfa contains vitamin A, important in building healthy skin, both inner and outer. Due to its blood purifying ability, it has a mild antibiotic effect toward pathogenic bacteria, and has helped reduce skin blemishes. Mucous membranes such as the linings of the throat, nose, stomach, and intestines, are also improved.
Stronger Bones: Vitamin K in alfalfa allows a protein called osteocalcin to bind to calcium in bone which helps maintain bone density.
Reduced hypertension (High blood pressure): Provides magnesium and potassium which relaxes arterial muscles, and can therefore provide an important benefit to those who suffer with hypertension.
Other properties of Alfalfa: Alfalfa is high in protein. It has 18.9% as compared to beef of 16.5%, milk 3.3% and eggs 13.1%. Its root seeks out minerals in subsoil which are inaccessible to other plants.
Do you see why we made Alfalfa a key ingredient in 37 Superfoods+? One word: WOW!
Is it ok to eat pure organic Alfalfa feed pellets. The ones that just use steam and pressure to make them into pellets.
I’m not familiarly with pellets for humans. I’ve seen alfalfa pellets for horses and gardens. I would have to know more as to what you may be specifically considering.
Can I use the 37superfoods in place of getting all of my vegetable servings in daily? I struggle to get 6 services in every day, usually just getting 1 or 2 servings.
Hey Joe: If you struggle to get your daily servings of fruits and vegetables in, than yes, we would encourage you to try our 37 SF+.