We understand that in today’s world, parents, professionals, and college students are running around from dusk till dawn. Their busy schedules take over their life. When one is always on the go, simple things like eating breakfast and staying connected with ourselves can seem out of reach.
To help you out, we’ve put together a list of 7 tips and tricks to make life easier, which leads to a healthier and happier existence!
Tips to Simplify Life on the Go
- Running behind in the morning? Pick out your outfit the night before. Studies show selecting your wardrobe a day in advance can save you 15 to 20 minutes in the morning.
- Don’t have time to go grocery shopping? Don’t sweat it, check out HELLOFRESH! It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned cook short on time or a beginner looking to learn. The lovely inventors of HelloFresh will send you new recipes every week to your front do or, with the exact ingredients you need to cook them. Almost like magic!
We all have heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But what happens when you’re running out the door and simply don’t have time to sit down for a traditional breakfast? Grab a MyNurish 37 Superfoods+ packet and hit the road! You can stir it into any 8-10oz beverage of your choice all while receiving the nutrients of 25 fruits and vegetable. A perfect way to start off your day. Click HERE to purchase your delicious and nutritious 37 Superfoods+ to-go packets!
- Can’t seem to find the time to hit the gym in your busy schedule? Work these simple moves into your daily routine: squats while you’re brushing your teeth, lunges when you walk to the mail box, calf raises while you’re cooking dinner, sit-ups while you’re watching TV, push-ups before you hop into bed at night, and yoga before getting dressed in the morning!
- Download the Wunderlist App. Can you say organization? Wunderlist is the easiest way to get stuff done and to keep track of all your to-do lists. We also love the fact that it is totally and completely free.
- When you spend more time on the go than at home, you need to stay connected to the world without fear of a dead phone. To make things simple, purchase a portable charger. That way you can stay connected and stay happy.
- After or before a long stressful day of work, chores, cooking, and running errands it’s important to schedule “me time”. Not everyone has the free hour to attend a yoga class or sit in peace and quietly meditate. The solution? Multitask! Try out shower meditation, which is every time you take a shower envision washing away all your stress and anxiety. Concentrate on the feel of the water upon your skin. Envision the power of the shower washing away your negative thoughts. Name 5 things you’re grateful for then take 5 deep breaths. A nourished mind is the key to a happy life.