Franco, Sharlene and Bob are the creators of the products you see on this site. After years of research, they came to the conclusion that plant-based super nutrients and superfoods such as fruits, veggies, greens, and gluten-free grains were the keys to living forever young.
With a team of scientists, they discovered a group of ingredients that could help eliminate unwanted symptoms, create endless energy, and connect you to a state of health and wellbeing known as “homeostasis” where illness cannot thrive.
Together, these three are fully aware of their moral responsibility to introduce solutions that can have a meaningful impact on one’s quality of life. To that end, it is their goal to show that each and every one of us has the ability to inspire others in creating a world abundant in nourishment!

Frank “Franco” Romero MA, MPH
Franco has been on a quest to nourish the world since leaving his practice as a healthcare consultant in 2008.
“As a consultant, I saw so many illnesses that could have been prevented if folks had taken better care of themselves. If only they had had someone to explain the power of nutrition.”
Franco was further inspired to leave his practice because of what super food nutrition had done for him and his wife relative to their personal health. In 2009, he and Sharlene teamed up with Bob to create MyNurish with the intention of offering powerful, superfood and super nutrient products accessible to all.
“I really feel that this is a calling. I don’t know any other way of explaining it. Have we discovered the fountain of youth? Not yet. Can we help millions feel better at any stage in their lives? You bet! What more can you ask for in a calling!”
Robert Nemer
Chief Sales Officer
Bob has spent much of his career in the corporate world holding various management and marketing positions with companies such as Gloria Vanderbilt Jeans and MCI Telecommunications. All that changed when he began his journey to improve his health after being diagnosed with Diabetes.
“I knew right then and there that I needed to understand the intricacies of my body, and how to change it, so that I could increase my chances of living a healthy and energetic life as I got older. Everything I researched kept pointing back to plant-based nutrients and superfoods as a solution.”
Soon after changing his diet, Bob began to experience that never-ending energy of health he was looking for which only fueled his curiosity for healing others even more. Not surprising, given his imagination and curiosity for life as an artist.
“I’m an artist by nature so I continuously think outside the box. Pushing the possibilities of our universe is the only way to live!”

Sharlene Romero
Chief Marketing & Finance Officer
In 1998, Sharlene was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) which led her on an incredible journey into the world of Alternative Medicine.
“Turning to natural and holistic nutrition has saved my life. It has been the most amazing and absolutely rewarding experience I could have gone through given the circumstances.”
Sharlene has held several positions with RBC Dain Rauscher, a global leader in investment management and financial planning, but her most rewarding experience prior to MyNurish was when she Chaired the St. Louis Park Foundation.
“My dream is to create a foundation to nourish the world! I can’t think of a more wonderful gift to leave behind. When your body feels great and your mind is sharp, you feel empowered! I want the world to know that nutrition can inspire people not only in their own journey to heal but in getting them to inspire others to do the same. Wow, I get chills just thinking about it!”