When we’re out of balance, we turn on the stress hormones in our body which shut down our immune system. Fear, however you define it, is the primary source of that stress. It is the cause of today’s health care crises. Don’t take my word on it. A few years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) called it the “health epidemic of the 21st Century.”

I’m going out on a limb here to say that fear is by far more deadly than COVID-19. Why? Because it is the one thing that we can control but choose not to. Therefore it will be here long after a vaccine is discovered. I have had the chance to speak to so many people about their perceptions of what is going on and to no surprise, those who are feeling good to awesome are those that are confident about how their immune systems would fare if exposed to this virus. And, for the most part, these are folks who came to us dealing with “compromised” immune systems.
If you are one of these people, you have every reason to feel great and to be confident. That’s not to say you don’t take the precautionary measures that are being asked to limit your chance of being exposed. But how great is it to your body, mind and soul that you know your immune system is working as optimally as it can? Anyway, in the months ahead we are going to be sending out little tidbits or factoids about the power of superfoods in helping you regain control of your health so that you don’t have to fear again. Until then, make a decision today to change your life by making super nutrition a fundamental right rather than just a lifestyle choice you can take or leave at any time.
Cheers to your health,